“Spirits” can refer to an eclectic mix of terms – a human soul, a disposition, or even a distilled alcoholic beverage. Like the way an artist’s passions are unveiled through painting, the cocktails are a bartender’s reflection of their own personal expression, inspiration and their stories. People visit a bar for different purposes. However, we hope that you can leave with a spirit that resonates you.
A gallery and a bar seemingly unrelated. However, both art and spirits have the power to speak to us across time, across cultural moments, and in different moments of crisis and joy and fear and love – in other words, in all that makes us human – and brings us together, which might be the reason why ,any renowned artists were inspired by spirits.
We are pleased to present a selection ode to contemporary paintings and posters from the 1920s. Among all the artworks, Nighthawks is our favorite. It reflects the bitter alienation and silence of living in a large city. Whatever kind of darkness we find ourselves in, whether external or internal, the painting and spirits here may offer the shining beacon of light and hope that we all need at this time.
During the prohibition era, speakeasies were used to evade government authorities, so they would use various types of businesses to hide the bars behind them. Our address is at no.20, so we took a fun twist and used 20.5 to signify that we are concealed inside the gallery, just like Platform 9 2/4 in the Harry Potter series. We hope you enjoy the night.
Welcome to Gallery 20.5
”Spirit“ 有著靈魂與烈酒之意,畫家們將自己的靈魂灌注在畫布上,如同那一杯杯看似平凡卻蘊含了創作者無限想像的調酒。或許每個人來酒吧的目的不盡相同,不過我們的初衷很明確,就是希望所有來過Gallery 20.5的人,離開時能帶走那一份屬於你的「Spirit」!
當你剛踏入Gallery 20.5時,會瞬間以為自己置身在畫廊中而非酒吧。然而在Gallery 20.5呈現的每幅藝術品其背後的精神卻有著微妙的共鳴。世界上名留青史的藝術家、文學家背後都有悲激發出他們靈感的酒。他們在不同的情境中創作出來的作品,可能在無意間變成為你我生活中的精神糧食,時時刻刻的灌溉著我們。
歡迎來到 Gallery 20.5